5. Summering in EP
This one is a my top five things (Ryan obviously did not live in EP this summer) but because of wedding plans and everything we had going on I chose to spend most of my summer at home in Eden Prairie with my parents and my sister. It was so fun to spend one last summer with my family and accomplish everything we needed to with the wedding.
4. Twins Opening Day
My parents have season tickets to the Twins and they could not use their tickets for opening day so Ryan and I took off from work early and went to the game. We went to a few more games this season but had fun being there for the final opening day in the Metrodome.
3. Celebrating Weddings and Babies of Friends
2009 blessed us with lots of great friends getting married and/or having babies. We love to celebrate with our friends and rejoice with each blessing of a new birth. Congratulations to everyone we know that had a baby or got married in 2009!
2. Financial Peace University
I think if you ask either one of us you will hear that this was by far the best choice we made this fall. If you have not checked it out or heard of Dave Ramsey check him out by clicking on his name. We have a vision for where we are going and feel more confident and prepared for whatever God chooses to send our way. We are living like nobody else so that someday we can live like nobody else!
1. Our Wedding/Honeymoon
(Shocking I know) Getting to spend time together every day and being married has been the best part of 2009 for us so far. We also had a blast in Mexico and someday would like to go back.
Things we are looking forward to in 2010 include: more weddings (7 at last count) and babies for friends, a possible move, a trip with the white family?, more adventures, and new recipes :)