Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Who is Grover you might ask. . .
This is Grover. . .

at 13 weeks. . . 
I feel like Grover has really decided to make his/her presence known to the world this week.  Maybe it does not look like it to you but there is most definitely enough of a little bump there for me to notice.

Why Grover you might ask. . .
Well, Ryan is called Cookie Monster by my family and I have some funny siblings who were reading Good Night Little Grover to Mollie and. . . well. . . Grover is Cookie Monster's son or daughter.  We have embraced it because it is easier than using the word "it" which was Cookie Monster's word of choice when referring to the baby before the name Grover came around.

When will Grover make his/her entrance you might ask. . .
Sometime around March 6.

Will you find out boy or girl you might ask. . .
YES! can you imagine me not knowing?

Are you sure it is only one baby you might ask. . .
YES! We had some trouble locating the heartbeat (they found it, everything looks great, do not worry) so we got to have an ultrasound and see Grover and we were assured it was only ONE baby.

How are you feeling you might ask. . .
We are super excited about Grover. . . I feel pretty good. . . I may go to bed at or before 8:00 some nights. . .

*DISCLAIMER: The face in the picture is due to the fact that Cookie Monster does not tell you when he is going to take a picture, he just snaps , no count, nada and he does not care whether you know or not.  He also does not care what is in the background of the picture. . . :-)
Cookie Monster's rationale after reading this post: "It is because I am the Cookie Monster, not the Count."


  1. Eric and I are soooo happy for you and "Cookie Monster"!!! Love this post-- you guys are hilarious!

  2. Yea! We're so excited for you guys! Crosby can't wait to meet Grover!

  3. Grammie and Papa are very excited...more little ones to love. Congratulations Leanne and Ryan.

  4. We are so excited for you and the Cookie Monster and we can't wait to be Grandparents to Grover!
