Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring Break

There are many things I have accomplished this week including:
what felt like 500 loads of laundry
working out each day
cleaning our apartment
working on my unit I have to design for school
and this:

I spent this morning cooking and making things that can go into the freezer that will help me as I continue to TRY and train for this half marathon. (I use try because as hard as i try, my asthma has not been cooperating lately) I got everything packaged to fill the freezer and this will be at least 8 or 9 meals for us. EXCITING!
Up Next: Scrapbooking :)


  1. Your food looks YUMMY! Good luck on the 1/2 marathon!! I cannot imagine training in the cold weather!!

  2. What did you make? I recognize the lasagna. Will you come and make meals ahead of time for me too!
