So my kids in my class have this odd obsession with pulling out their teeth and I often catch them with most of their hand in their mouth and then they pull out a hand covered in slobber and blood clutching their tooth and off they go to the nurse to get the much desired treasure chest. Well, yesterday I had a little talk with them about pulling out your own teeth because in the middle of one of my lessons a boy does the above mentioned act and yells "I got another one!" (this being 3 in one week, mind you). So we had a little chat about how it grosses me out that they have their hands in their mouth, covered in blood, and then touch my things. . . eww Well today, no teeth were extracted, they decided to have bloody noses. TWO in one day! It is a good thing I am not squemish around blood!
And excitement. . . I am SO excited for Christmas. I can't wait. I feel like my 5th graders. . . I don't know if it is the traditions that I love or the feeling of the season, this is just one of my favorite times of the year!! Some things I am excited for: (in no particular order)
1. The annual Wooldridge/Kuhlman/White Christmas Party
2. Homemade Macaroni and Cheese
3. Seeing my family and spending time together!
4. Watching A Christmas Story
5. Fires in the fireplace
6. Reading the Christmas story by the tree in our jammies
7. One step at a time. . .
8. Christmas Cookies
9. Celebrating the greatest birth there ever was
10. Giving gifts to my favorite people
12. watching Katie
eat gag down a fish stick
13. pinochle/boxers or briefs/malarky
14. Playing mario (stop jumping on me, put me down, hey, hey, hey)
15. spending time with the best families in the world!
Enjoy the season,